The best times of the year to find clothing sales

Let’s be honest; there’s nothing better than finding a few items of clothing that you absolutely love. Okay, maybe there might be a few more than just a “few.” Clothes shopping is risky business, because you always go to the store with the intention of buying just one or two items, and you make your way out with everything in existence. This can take a huge toll on your bank account, but it doesn’t have to. That’s because you can get clothes in the sales if you plan your year right…

Black Friday

Over the past few years, Black Friday has become a huge deal. The day after Thanksgiving, stores, and retailers around the US decide to basically give away their items at a discounted rate. While you might have to fight someone for the last pair of boots, it’ll be well worth it when you see the price on the till. Just kidding, shopping is a passive sport, kids…

The January sales

Although very few people have money after Christmas, it’s a great time to go shopping. That’s because retailers are aware of the fact that people don’t have a huge amount of money to their name, so they try to offer incentives to get their footfall. So, they reduce the price of their items to rev up sales and get people buying their clothes. This obviously works in favor of both the store and the buyer. Yay to new clothes!

Back to school

Sure, you may no longer be going back to school, but this time of the year is perfect if you want to pick up a few bargains. That’s because retailers know that those who have kids going back to school are always in the process of changing up their own wardrobe. The seasons change, the holiday period is over, and they often have to stock up on work clothes. Because of this, the prices are drastically reduced.

The end of the season

We all know that there are four seasons to the year, but it seems as though the end of the season will be the most exciting for those who love their clothes. That’s because stores try to get rid of their end of season clothes to make way for new season clothes. To do this, they will slash their prices and offer huge discounts for those who aren’t too fussed about being right on trend. Fashion is what you make of it, after all.

Spring break

Woo, spring break! This is one of the most popular times of the year to go on vacation, which means that footfall in stores and clicks online are at their all-time highest. Because retailers want these customers to buy as much as possible, they give them reason to do so by offering cheap clothing that’s in the sale. After all, we just can’t ignore a bargain. We’re drawn to it like a moth to the flame.
If you’re looking to update your wardrobe but don’t have the dollars to do so, why don’t you make the most out of these specific times of the year? Your bank account will thank you!

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